Sunday, 21 January 2007

Kick the bully

The more and more you read the news you realize that there is only one main aggressor on this planet and that is ....yup you guessed it.. America. They talk about peace and stability with one hand and with the other (which is under the table) they are trying or if the truth is known pressurizing Poland and the Czech republic to host Radar and missile sites ( I hope they refuse). Yet it threatens Iran for testing its own missiles, But you notice it will not use those same threats against China. The reason is obvious Bullies can't and won't stand up to something their own size.
The Syrian president met with the Iraqi President this week to condemn the attacks on the U.S. backed Iraqi army and offer assistance, but will the U.S. let this happen I doubt it! 3 years ago Iran also offered help but was ignored by the U.S.

The trouble with the U.S. it has to be the biggest, fastest or first. It can not take a back seat without interfering or bullying other countries. America sulks if countries refuse to buy their products and then add huge import taxes to items from those countries as petty revenge and if it's not careful Britain will go down the same road.

I for one have become a Yankaphobe ( ooh is that a new word I made up!) and will not buy anything American or associated with it and i call everyone to do the same.

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